
Trunks | Vegeta | Goku | Cell | Bardock | Vegeta Jr. | Goku Jr. | Basa | Freiza | Tarble | Turles | Goten | Piccolo | Tien | Nail | Buu | Gohan | Radditz | Lord Slug | Andriod 13 | Broly | Andriod 18 | Android 17



Fat Buu
pl - 0.002
Max PL - ????????
Abilities - Fly, Henka Beam, Ki Suppression, Regeneration, Instantaneous Movement, Liquefy, Power Ball, Ki Sense, Fusion Dance, Kikouha, Multi Form, Power Lend, Healing, Solar Flare, Energy Rings
Moves - Ki Blast, Super Ghost Kamikaze Attack, Masenko Blast, Rapid Ki Blast, Mouth Blast, Ice Blast, Kakusandan, Kamehameha, Galic Gun, Rain Blast, Hell-zone Grenade, Final Flash, Big Bang Attack, Hyper Tornado, Thunder Flash, Dragon Fist, Hell Storm, Lightning Shower Rain, Special Beam Cannon, Big Bang Kamehameha, Final Shine, Infinite Destructo Disk, Final Kamehameha

Signature Move - Buu Ball
Finisher - Vanishing Ball
Training - 
Sparring -
Job - (Mercenary)
Items -
Items Carrying -
Clothes - Martial Arts Wristbands (W), Martial Arts Boots (W), Martial Arts Clothes (W), Namekian Turban (W), Namekian Cape and Pads (W)
Clothes Wearing -
Dragonballs - 
Money - 5200z
Planet - Plant
Location - Mountains
Nation - T.A.C.O.S
Army/Alliance -
Raffel Tickets -
Record - (1-0-0)
E-mail -

The Universe's Strongest fighters